Kinaesthetic Intersubjectivity: : A dance informed contribution to self-other relatedness and shared experience in nonverbal psychotherapy with an example from Autism
Early interpersonal experiences have been the focus of philosophy and developmental psychology for decades. Concepts of self and self-other relatedness seem to have an onset in early interaction patterns during dyadic relating. Phenomenologists consider the embodied, that is the intercorporeal dialogue, as the basis for self-other relating. Developmental psychologists have shown that the responsiveness a child is met with during early phases of life is a very subtle process. Kinaesthetic intersubjectivity is introduced as a perspective on dyadic relating. Embodied attitude during dance duets is taken as an example of active nonverbal attunement between interaction partners. Shared movement situations will serve as an example of how a sense of intersubjectivity and self-other differentiation can be perceived through movement structures. Shared movement intervention could offer a new perspective for psychotherapeutic intervention in disorders with a disturbed self, like autism and need researching.
Item Type | Article |
Uncontrolled Keywords | Kinaesthetic intersubjectivity; Embodiment; dance; dance movement psychotherapy; shared movement; Autism |
Date Deposited | 14 Nov 2024 10:38 |
Last Modified | 14 Nov 2024 10:38 |