Identifying acceptable components for home-based health promotion services for older people with mild frailty: A qualitative study
Abstract Mild frailty is common in later life, increasing the risk of hospitalisation, loss of independence and premature death. Targeted health promotion services may reduce adverse outcomes and increase quality of life, however effective, well-developed theory-based interventions are lacking. We aimed to explore perceptions of health promotion behaviours undertaken by older people with mild frailty, barriers and facilitators to engagement, and identify potential components for new home-based health promotion services. We carried out 17 semi-structured qualitative interviews and six focus groups with 53 stakeholders, including 14 mildly frail older people, 12 family carers, 19 community health and social care professionals and eight home care workers, in one urban and one semi-rural area of England. Transcripts were thematically analysed. Older people with mild frailty reported engaging in a variety of lifestyle behaviours to promote health and wellbeing. Key barriers or facilitators to engaging in these included transport, knowledge of local services, social support and acceptance of personal limitations. Older people, carers and professionals agreed that any new service should address social networks and mobility and tailor other content to each individual. Services should aim to increase motivation through focussing on independence and facilitate older people to continue carrying out behaviours that improve their wellbeing, as well as provide information, motivation, psychological support and practical support. Stakeholders agreed services should be delivered over a sustained period by trained non-specialist workers. New services including these components are likely to be acceptable to older people with mild frailty.
Item Type | Article |
Uncontrolled Keywords | health behaviours; health promotion; Older People; Older people's services; qualitative research |
Date Deposited | 14 Nov 2024 10:30 |
Last Modified | 14 Nov 2024 10:30 |