Japanese Expert Teachers' Understanding of the Application of Rhythm in Judo: a New Pedagogy
Aim The aim of this research is to understand the application of rhythm in judo through the experience of expert Japanese coaches. Background Scientists and experienced coaches agree rhythm is an important skill in people’s everyday life. There is currently no research that investigates the importance of rhythm in judo. People with a highly developed sense of rhythm, move properly, breathe properly, or begin and finish work at the right time. Where sport is concerned, motion and dance can play an important role not only in the improvement of performance, but also in the reduction, or even prevention of, injuries. Those who are naturally musically inclined (have a musical ear) may find they can improve their technique faster than others, and this is something that, by investigating the way expert coaches understand the application of rhythm in judo, this research seeks to understand. As Lange, (1970) stated, factors of movement are ‘weight, space, time, and flow on the background of the general flux of movement in proportional arrangements’ (Bradley, 2008; Selioni, 2013; Youngerman, 1976), therefore, this research will investigate the interaction of body and mind. Dance training as well as judo are somatic experiences that have as their ultimate goal the attainment of a skilled body. With quality training an athlete gains an increased awareness of their body which leads to better control of movement and is very important for judo athletes. This training is found in Japanese kabuki dance (Hahn, 2007), the Greek syrtaki dance (Zografou & Pateraki, 2007), and in walking techniques used in the traditional and Olympic sports of Japanese judo and Greek wrestling. Methods Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was the most suitable data analysis approach for this study for a number of reasons, mainly because it was considered to most closely reflect the author's realist epistemological view. The idiographic approach and framework, particularly on IPA, was regarded as a useful framework in which the current topic could meaningfully be explored. As this study is one of the first to explore this new thematic area, IPA was the preferred approach to address the goal of providing a detailed account of the expert’s experience. Therefore, semi-structured interviews were used as a data source. This is the most conventional form of data collection using IPA and most closely reflects the researcher-participant relationship. Semi-structured interviews provide considerable flexibility by allowing the researcher to be guided by the phenomena of interest to the participant. In this study, purposive sampling was achieved using inclusion criteria pertaining to the research question. Using the ranking system criteria based on the belt in combination with age employed by the International Judo Federation (IJF) and Kodokan Judo Institute, six expert coaches of forty years old and over with a minimum belt rank of 6th dan were selected as a sample. Results Both interviews and the codification process contributed to new findings regarding the application of rhythm to judo, and judo itself as a pedagogical tool. The diagrammatic model can be considered a 'guideline' to the phenomena deemed most significant. The personal significance of rhythm in judo was evidenced by the frequency with which the interviewees naturally referred to it during the interviews. A number of interviewees said that it was important for rhythm to be second nature. Rhythm was also described as an integrated and representative element in the context of training. This framework was seen as essential in providing the reader with a contextualised understanding of the phenomena considered most important for the current research. Interviewees reported various motives for employing training in rhythm such as faster technical development, better attack/defence, fitness, speed, skills acquisition, personal and spiritual growth, competition results. Conclusions This study offers first-hand accounts from professional coaches of a previously unknown phenomena, namely the use of rhythm in judo, and sheds insight on how judo experts understand rhythm in terms of training, competition, and personal growth. These findings suggest that outside of training, coaches play an important role in teaching, mentoring, and leading students. In conclusion, the research revealed four important points which form the basis of a new method of teaching judo: pedagogy, skills, rhythm and movement.
Item Type | Thesis (Doctoral) |
Uncontrolled Keywords | Judo; rhythm; pedagogy; skills; movement |
Date Deposited | 14 Nov 2024 10:16 |
Last Modified | 14 Nov 2024 10:16 |
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